Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Missional Marriage FAQ's

What is Missional Marriage?

Missional Marriage provides four one-day events a year where couples are challenged to deepen the principles of Faithwalking in their marriage and "try on" what missional living would look like for them as individuals and as a couple. Each event covers a different topic and couples can attend any or all of them. 

What happens at Missional Marriage?

Missional Marriage follows a rhythm similar to a Faithwalking retreat. Each Missional Marriage event is shaped by a different Faithwalking principle and includes teaching, couple time, solitude, and large group discussion. Lunch is provided along with a couple of breaks during our time together.  All of this happens in a safe space of fun and learning with other couples who are on the same transformative journey.

What if neither of us have done a Faithwalking 101 Retreat?

No problem! We will review the basic concepts so that you will have a clear understanding of the Faithwalking language.

We’re not sure about missional living and we have different ideas about what that means. Is Missional Marriage for us?

Sure!  The concepts and skills that we address in Missional Marriage are useful to any couple.  Also, you’ll have a chance to “try on” the idea of joining God on mission in a safe, nonthreatening setting.  Our desire is to help you listen to God and to each other in some new ways, not to force missional living.

How can Missional Marriage help my relationship?

Simply carving out time to focus on your marriage can make a big difference!  In Missional Marriage, we give you a chance to consider new ideas, learn new skills, share more deeply with each other, and listen to the stories of other couples who are on the same transformative journey. 

What if my marriage is in trouble?

All of our marriages are imperfect and Missional Marriage is for any couple who wants to learn new “ways of being” in their relationship. However, it’s important to understand that Missional Marriage is not marriage counseling and is not designed to save a marriage in trouble. If you and your spouse are not able to sit and have a civil conversation, then Missional Marriage is not for you at this time. 

Why did you switch to the new one-day format?

We recognized that getting away for part of one day is far easier for couples than getting away for three full days for a weekend retreat. Our hope is that this new format makes the experience accessible for more people. 

To register for a Missional Marriage Retreat, click here!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Conversations about Bowen Family Systems Theory

Video 1: Bowen Theory - Introduction:

Video 2: Bowen Theory - The nuclear family:

Video 3: Bowen Theory - Differentiation of self:

Video 4: Bowen Theory - Triangles:

Video 5: Bowen Theory - Cutoff:

Video 6: Bowen Theory - Where is this in the Bible:


Monday, July 25, 2011

Transformation Conversations


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Judy Newey on Coaching

Judy Newey
To Become a Coach click here.


Bob & Judy Newey - Faithwalkers

Bob & Judy Newey


Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Church in the Mobile Park


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fifth Street Missional Community!

